, stock trading info app, had a significant amount of pages that Google and other search engines weren’t able to index, leaving significant traffic and money on the table. Additionally, they wanted to figure out how to add more valuable content to their organic landing pages. Crunchy Links’ goal was to help optimize the front end website to increase the number of visitors, as well as pages indexed.
+ 1.6x
Company Revenue
+ 145%
Conversions from SEO
Pages indexed from search engines
Consolidation breeds indexation
When crawling and indexing the site ourselves, we realized quite a bit of these web pages could be consolidated to provide a better user experience. After we implemented the changes and brought 160% more revenue, the founders told us we doubled their valuation.
Our Process
We focused primarily on what content was driving traffic, and identifying duplicate and semi duplicate landing pages. We then consolidated those pages, while adding additional content we found commonly featured in ranking competitors.
The Nitty gritty
We leveraged 301 redirects and canonical tags to consolidate duplicate pages, and focused on leveraging natural language processing and affinity analysis to understand what additional content needed to be generated on the organic landing pages.