Crunchy Cares

Supporting the fight against racial injustice

We recognize our privilege.

It's time to pay it back.

All profits are shared with certified non-profits and charities

Employees donate time and money to causes they care about

We partner with customers to support their charitable efforts


It’s difficult to write this, or to explain why we’re doing what we’re doing, without it sounding pretentious. I was blessed with probably one of the best opportunities a kid could have – great schools, great parents, affluence – but also exposure.

That exposure lead me to see that there’s a lot of crap in the world that people have to suffer through. That a neighbor down the street wasn’t dealt the same hand I was.

I know it doesn’t make it even. But this organization is dedicated to going beyond marketing. We at Crunchy Links are here to help people who could use a lift, and bless them with similar opportunities we were blessed with. Most importantly, we’re about leaving this place better than we found it. About leaving people better than when we found them.

We firmly believe one good act always begets another. And we would love for others to get involved too. So please let us know what cause you care about, and we’d be happy to lend a hand.

We at Crunchy Links understand we were dealt an amazing hand in this life. It’s time we share that wealth.

– Jack (Founder)

Sometimes I claim it’s because I believe that “with great power comes great responsibility.” Sometimes I tell them it’s because “to whom much is given much is expected.” Really, though, giving back in both time and money is just the right f*****g thing to do. I’ve been lucky to make it from modest beginnings and own part of a company. I feel it’s right that I find ways to help others who don’t have the means to help themselves just yet

– Jamar (Founding Partner) 

Donating time and money to important causes is something that should be a part of any company’s identity. Here, it’s one of the foundations of who we are as a business. 

Featured Cause in Q1 2020

Feeding families impacted by COVID-19

Full Cart (Feed Children Everywhere)

Full Cart is helping alleviate the uncertainty for families during COVID-19. Whether you’re looking to help or you’re going through a tough time, Full Cart is here for you.

Proud to support impact wherever it's found.

If you have a cause you care about, let us know! We'd be happy to support them.