When you’re a startup looking for series A funding, you’re in between a rock and a hard place. Most VCs won’t fund you unless you show traction. But how can you show traction on a limited budget? A new banking startup had that exact problem when trying to show interest in their product. The good news? There’s a great way to accomplish this on a budget.
Average leads per day (anonymized) from our Facebook ads campaign using interactive landing pages
+ 937%
increase in leads with interactive landing pages.
Targeting and messaging can get you far
Getting the ball rolling is the hardest part. If you’re going to be using PPC to drive leads to a waitlist, having a landing page that visitors can interact with will get you far.
Our Process
We focused on building a retargeting list with discovery ads at a lower CPC. From there we were able to retarget visitors, and introduce them to our interactive landing page.
The Nitty gritty
By combining videos that catch the visitor’s attention on the news feed with an interactive page measuring “how much cash back could you get” in a gamified manner, we were able to spike waitlist signups while decreasing the overall cost per lead. Safe to say, investors were rather eager to further conversations with this startup.