NXTsoft is a VCISO company wanted to find a way to help their sales team close more leads and help guide people along the buying funnel. Crunchy Links worked with them to develop frequently asked questions designed to help create a knowledge center and internal RSS reader to support the sales team.
visitors to the knowledge center
FAQs developed
Sometimes search volume isn’t the end-all-be-all. Listening to real people is.
We worked closely with the sales team to understand what questions most inhibited people from purchasing services. By combining that feedback with competitive research, we found “low volume” terms designed to address real questions potential consumers had.
We leveraged content from multiple channels including: PPC, Email, Social Media, SEO, Sales CRM, and personal stories to find useful content where no viable solution was provided either by the customer or their competitors. Although the topics selected seemed of low interest to 3rd party tools, internal data told us otherwise, which lead to higher quality traffic coming to key parts of the website dedicated to supporting the sales team.